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edu foreign offers 第10页

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Preface Introduction In this high-value era, a beautifully illustrated picture will make greatly enhance the expression and dissemination efficiency of the paper. However, when you use PS, AI, PPT and other drawing software, you will find that a seemingly simple picture may require hours of head-butting, and if you add the complex model construction, it is even more difficult. Scratch the highlights! Today's editorial to...

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Notion介绍 Notion是一款学霸都在用的笔记工具, Notion是一款云笔记软件;让你轻松整理知识,创建个人wiki知识库,全面提高记笔记和学习的效率。它真正的实现了All in One,解决了我一直以来的痛点,好用到我想以身相许(...

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前言介绍 亚马逊(Amazon)是美国最大的一家网络电子商务公司,位于华盛顿州的西雅图。亚马逊是网络上最早开始经营电子商务的公司之一,成立于1995年,一开始只经营网络的书籍销售业务,现在则扩及了范围相当广的其他产品,已成为全球商品品种最多...

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前言介绍 Dcard(狄卡),是台湾一个提供社群网路服务的网站,仅开放台湾跟海外部分大学的学生注册。 创办人为台大学生林裕钦及简勤佑,他们大学的创意创业学程架设名为「Dcard」社群网站的课程作品,因为有感于大部分同学只在生活圈交友,没机会...

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前言介绍 Navicat -是最佳的数据库管理工具 Navicat™ 是一套快速,可靠并价格相宜的数据库管理工具,专门用于简化数据库管理和降低管理成本。有了直观的图形用户介面,Navicat 提供一个简单的方法让你管理,设计和操作 MySQ...

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Software Introduction MatLab is commercial mathematical software produced by The MathWorks, Inc.More than three million engineers and scientists in more than 180 countries around the world currently use MATLAB and Simulink.MATLAB is mainly used for numerical analysis, numerical and symbolic computation, engineering and scientific drawing, control system...

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