shapr3d is a professional 3D modeling app on iOS, it has a window version, mainly used with iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, it is characterized by easy to learn, convenient and professional. We can use it to turn ideas on sketches into designs in just a few minutes.
From engineering projects to jewelry design, you can use 2D and 3D modeling tools, export manufacturing-grade 3D models and more. This mobile 3D design app is a great solution for engineers and industrial designers who need to travel a lot, work as freelancers or just prefer to work on a tablet rather than a PC.
Product Pricing
Free Plan:Shapr3D runs on a freemium business model, which means that all of our users can use most of the features for free.
Paid plans:Unlimited number of workspaces 2D Engineering Drawings Export/Import (DWG / DXF) Export (High Quality STL, STEP, IGES, SHAPR, OBJ) Import (STEP, IGES, XT, STL) Color Picture Import Image Export (Built-in Screenshot Tool) Priority Support.Monthly: 31.9 $ / month with auto-renewal Annual: 239.9 $ / year with auto-renewal
Educational Benefits
As of August 2024, Shapr3D has modified its education discount application method to require all educational institution employees and students worldwide to provide appropriate role credentials for Shapr3D manual identity verification.
Shapr3D PRO is free of charge for students, teachers and staff of accredited educational institutions. The license is valid for one year (365 days) and can be renewed upon expiration. If you are still a member of an educational institution, the license can be extended by simply submitting the form again.
To apply.Please in the applicationwrite data in a box (on a questionnaire or web form)request form, our support team will process your request within 2 business days, an edu email address that matches your student ID and school information is required.
You can in the Shapr3D applicationincommunicadoApply for a license. The application has a form to be filled out: studentsset a price>Free. You can also get a free copy of the program by going toset upAccess Forms.
It usually takes us 2 business days to evaluate all requests and if everything is completed, you will receive 1 year of free PRO access. If your account has been upgraded to EDU PRO, we will notify each user via email.
Application Steps
We need to first register a shapr3d account, this site is directly with the platform exclusive university administrator of the United States edu mailbox town store 4 registration application, because the documents with shapr3d need to facilitate the view of the mail, the registration address to be opened in the education offers page: When applying for education offers, the network environment must use a foreign agent, shapr3d company blocking China, will not be able to appear in the education offers page, or prompted by the reorganization of the education program, please retry later.
Shapr3D's educational license is free for students, teachers and faculty members of accredited educational institutions. The license is valid for one year (365 days) and can be renewed once it expires. The license is valid for one year (365 days) and can be renewed once it expires.
Students & Teachers Fill out the request form and if everything checks out, we'll upgrade your account with a year of Shapr3D Pro. We'll notify you about the state of your request via email within 3 business days. 'll notify you about the state of your request via email within 3 business days. Read more about the application process here.
Submission of documents
August 2024 shapr3d official in order to avoid the use of edu email by non-normal users in seconds, modified the authentication method of education benefits, we click on the application form will prompt "We can't recognize this EDU email address Please double check if you've entered your EDU email address correctly. If this is your actual EDU email address, you may continue."We do not recognize this EDU email address.
Then we click on the second option:Continue anyways It means continue anyway.
You are asked to provide your student ID document as shown below, fill in the information sheet and upload your student ID document, the steps are tedious and need to be reviewed manually.
Request EDU license
Fill out this form to get or renew your EDU license.
Your school ID photo: up to 2 files / 1MB per file, supported file formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, SVG, WebP.
Photo(s) of your school ID Maximum 2 files / 1MB per each, supported file formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, SVG, WebP
Important: If you're already trying out Pro.Then you need to cancel it manuallyOtherwise, you will be charged at the end of the trial period, regardless of your EDU license. Otherwise, you will be charged at the end of the trial period, regardless of your EDU license.
official review
We got your EDU request!
It takes up to 3 business days to evaluate your request. If everything goes smoothly, you'll get a confirmation email soon - otherwise, we'll get in touch with you if there's any info missing. If everything goes smoothly, you'll get a confirmation email soon - otherwise, we'll get in touch with you if there's any info missing.
It can take up to 3 business days to evaluate your request. If all goes well, you will receive a confirmation email shortly - otherwise, we will contact you if any information is missing.
Failed application
If the submitted documents do not meet the requirements then you will receive the following failure email, which reads as follows.
We reviewed your EDU license request but couldn't verify your educational status based on the information you provided.
Please make sure to submit the following requirements.
- A valid student ID with an expiration date (c) The organization of a meeting of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD).
- A valid supporting document that proves you are an active member of the educational institution
We reviewed your application for an EDU license, butUnable to verify your educational status based on the information you providedThe
Please ensure that the following requirements are submitted:Valid student ID card issued by the educational institution (expired). Valid supporting documentation that you are an active member of the educational institution. If you meet all the requirements, please submit another application by completing the Application for EDU License form.
Successful application
After submitting our valid student documents, we waited for about 2 business days and received an official review from titled "Your Shapr3D EDU license is now live!"Mail as follows.
Your EDU license request has been approved.
You can now enjoy modeling with the full feature set of Shapr3D for one year free of charge.
Make sure you're logged in to Shapr3D with this email address. If you have an active Pro subscription, then you'll be able to use Shapr3D with your email address. cancel it to avoid being charged.
Once your EDU license expires, you can re-apply using the same Request EDU license form.
Want to show Shapr3D some love? Head over to our App Store or Microsoft Store page and drop a review.The Shapr3D Team
Good News! Your EDU license application has been approved.Good news!We reviewed your EDU request for Shapr3D and granted you access to the full feature set of the application. As a student, you can now upgrade to Shapr3D Business for a full year for free.You can now enjoy one year of free modeling with Shapr3D's complete feature set.
Make sure you are logged into Shapr3D with this email address. if you have a valid Pro subscription, please Cancel it. to avoid being charged.
We return to the shapr3d account page, prompting. You already have an educational license
Subscription renewal
Once your EDU license expires, you can use the same Application for EDU License Form ReapplicationThe
your EDU License Application Now Active! You can now model with the full feature set of Shapr3D for free. Make sure you are logged into Shapr3D with this email address. If you have a Pro trial version, cancel it to avoid being charged.
E-mail access
Many netizens of edu mailboxes need to upload student proof of information problems lead to their inability to directly apply for Shapr3D, so the platform side provides a lifelong use of the U.S. edu mailbox No. 4 and enrollment documents, get your hands on a direct application for shapr3d, no longer carry out other complex operations, the U.S. edu mailbox No. 4 mailboxes are introduced https://www.edumails .cn/ftt.html
online experience
Gospel of the Chemical Party
Why am I only showing edu education email certifications here?
Purchased, trust the seller, have bought a few and honestly have been using them except for 2 of my world accounts that flipped. Can't blame the seller for the cartwheel, after all, it's not controllable.
It's bad luck. I just passed the code.
Said there is a chance to restore 5T, so long or 1t, if the long can be used or can be. Much better than tossing it yourself.