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ResearchRabbit literature search tool edu email registration application tutorials


Butcher, a single literature at a glance, good understanding, to be the most understanding of your scientific research assistant.

I believe that in our daily scientific research, one of the most headache work is the tracking and organizing of the literature, although Google Scholar, Researchgate, Endnote and other software allows us to access and manage the literature much more convenient, but still not convenient and efficient enough. If you have similar confusion as me, then today I share a good website (ResearchRabbit), I believe it will help you.

Research Rabbit as a new kind of literature search and visualization website, it is just a web page to be more convenient compared to CiteSpace and VOSviewer, and it does not need to go over the wall compared to Connected papers. (https://researchrabbitapp.com/home)

Recommended Reasons

ResearchRabbit, despite being a web version, is very powerful in practical use and really understands the hearts of scientific researchers. In the process of searching and organizing the literature, on the one hand, it provides the tracking of various nodes of appeal, and on the other hand, if you find an article of interest in searching the literature, you only need to query it step by step, and each step is a brand new search interface, which gives you an immersive working experience.

Registration Process

For the first time into the https://researchrabbitapp.com/官网后, we need to register an account, try to choose the school or organization's mailbox to register, today's demonstration of this site is to use the Ho Chi Minh Transportation University t.edu.vn registration demonstration, after all, edu is a generic domain name of the educational institution, other users said that after the registration is successful, but also to apply for placement in the waitlist waiting for review, this time with edu have not encountered, directly over the second.

Usually academic website registration are to provide edu mailbox details of the institution, as shown in the figure below, if the edu mailbox account for the digital account, the following name can be filled in arbitrarily, the institution and the discipline of the other information, can be filled in English, do not use Chinese. Recommendation code can not be filled.

Successful application

After our application is successful, edu email will receive a successful registration email, 作者为team@researchrabbit.ai的标题为 "Welcome to ResearchRabbit!" as shown below:

Thanks for signing up to ResearchRabbit! We're excited to help you discover and visualize papers and authors, stay up to date on the latest research, and much more. research, and much more.

Simply start a Collection with relevant papers you love, and we'll take care of the rest!

We're building lots of tech to empower researchers in new ways. you can learn more about our mission here.

Thanks again for joining us,

Basic use

After we have registered and logged in successfully, the page is empty, we need to click "New Collection" on the left side to create a new group, then we can add documents.Click "Add Papers" to add documents, and you can search the documents precisely by "Title", "DOI" and so on.

The search can be done according to the two options of life science field or full field, and then add the literature we want.

After adding a literature the literature will appear in the literature list, click on it and the title, abstract and other information will pop up on the right side.If a PDF is available, a link to download the original PDF is provided here, and clicking on the title of the article will take you directly to the PubMed article page.

When we enter a piece of literature, you can see the title of the article, the author, the abstract, in the upper right corner you can also see whether there is a PDF can be directly downloaded and other information, more importantly, in the lower part of the dialog box, we can directly see the references and cited in this article, especially cited is really too convenient.

One person goes fast, a group goes far. If you have good articles and research ideas that you need to share with your team, then ResearchRabbit also allows you to quickly share your work with each other. Simply add the Email of other members of the team under the corresponding literature collection (My Collections), and you can choose whether the other party has the permission to modify the literature collection (My Collections), add or delete literature.

Having introduced so much, I look forward to everyone utilizing this tool tofasterCompleting the literature review and organizing work in an appropriate manner, obtainingmore powerfulof scientific inspiration, the courage to climb thegreaterThe peak of scientific research.

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