PubPeerEstablished in 2012, it is a website that encourages researchers to anonymously comment on published papers, the equivalent of a scientific forum, as long as the scholar has thePubPeeraccounts, all can comment on published papers, the content of the comments can be criticism, questioning, suggestions for improvement, etc., however, the comments need to be reviewed before displaying. As we all know, academic papers have to undergo peer review before publication, and PubPeer is more like a post-publication peer review platform. Of course, the credibility of the content of the comments can not be compared with scientific journals, which does not affect the PubPeer more and more favored by researchers.
On PubPeer's main website, any Internet user can use keywords, authors, titles, or specific identifiers (e.g., DOI or ISSN) to find information about a specific scholarly article (including the title, author, affiliation, journal name, DOI, etc.), but the user can't download the full text of the paper through PubPeer.
In addition, users must register with the site if they wish to further comment on specific ones or respond to messages from other users. Users may choose to register anonymously or by means of a named post. For anonymous registration, the site will provide a pseudonym for leaving comments; for nominal registration, the user must have published an academic paper as the first or last author. In addition, if the author of a paper replies to another user's comment, the reply will be labeled "Author's Reply" (Author's Response) to emphasize that it is the author's own comment.
Apply for an account
PubPeer official registration requirements, the first and last author of all articles in the database can create an account. Find an article of a registered user by pasting DOI, PubMed ID or arXiv ID into the input, and then use the U.S. academic edu institution email address to register for PubPeer, this article is only a demonstration of the registration registration method to apply for the success of PubPeer, and has no ownership of the articles belonging to the input.
We click on create account in the upper right corner of the page to jump to the registration page如下图所示:
There will be two registration options, Anonymous registration Anonymous registration and Signed registration, we choose the registration method: Signed registration
Tip statement select a publication Select a publication, you need to enter your own article DOI code, DOI code example: DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1301-3, similar to this code, this site in order to demonstrate the success of the registration, randomly enter the number, pubpeer will automatically come out and the number of relevant articles.
We randomly select a publication click, prompted as shown below, Who are you? will prompt to select Author author, we randomly select one.
Verify Email
Your current institutional email address Enter your current institutional email address, there is a registration trick here, if we use the US edu registration, 需要是直接@学校.edu且高校世界排名比较靠前的, for example, we enter BrunsKeenan@utmail. will prompt as shown below:
The selected domain is invalid. If it is a Chinese user, the same reason is also need to rank the top schools such as Fudan University input example: 需要是直接而不是 such as 如果确实按照输入, prompted by the above picture of the error, the organization is not eligible, please replace the mailbox for other institutions.
If our organization's email address meets the official requirements, after filling in the email address and clicking Submit to submit, it will directly jump to Please check your email to validate it.
activate an account
我们打开edu邮箱会收到来自 sent with the subject line "Email validation needed"The official email, which reads as follows:
Dear E.A. Abdel Wahab, Please validate your email to complete your registration on PubPeer.Verify your email
We click on the link and are prompted: Your email has been verified! Please fill out this form to registerYour email has been verified! Please fill out this form to register.
We need to set up a username account, set the password can be directly logged in, in the process of logging in, this site encountered an error prompt User must be verified to log in can not log in, this site directly reset the password on it.
online experience
Gospel of the Chemical Party
Why am I only showing edu education email certifications here?
Purchased, trust the seller, have bought a few and honestly have been using them except for 2 of my world accounts that flipped. Can't blame the seller for the cartwheel, after all, it's not controllable.
It's bad luck. I just passed the code.
Said there is a chance to restore 5T, so long or 1t, if the long can be used or can be. Much better than tossing it yourself.