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前言介绍 为满足全国高校“抗击疫情”和“停课不停教,停课不停学”,对高品质稳定大规模在线教学平台的迫切需求,中国教育和科研计算机网(CERNET)与国际著名视频会议服务商ZOOM合作,推出了支撑高校在线教学科研的大规模ZOOM视频会议平台和...

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  前言介绍 强撸有风险,上车需谨慎,本来一直想写一篇关于免费office365撸取方式的汇总教程,回头想想基本上都是野路子,并且有的吧,限制太多,好吧我承认,我太懒了;鉴于小白太多,并且通过教育邮箱撸的难度有点小高,所以写了这篇...

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前言介绍 今天也是网友来本站寻求edu邮箱帮助,需要注册一个学术网站,本站立马精神起来,问小姐姐注册什么学术网站呀,小姐姐就发来网址一看好专业好厉害的感觉,就自己尝试注册了下,没想到就成功了,当然也不知道是什么用,但是很开心能够给大家分享教...

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前言 为助力线上教育,和彩云针对教师群体推出包括便捷的和彩云网盘小程序、2T大空间、传输不限速、500人大群组、定向免流量等尊享服务。 活动规则 1. 活动时间 即日起至4月30日 2. 活动对象 面向全国中小学、大学及其他高等院校、教育机...

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Jingdong Mall campus college students certification education discount application tutorial original first 2020-EDU education network email registration application

Jingdong mall campus college students certification education discount application tutorial original first 2020

Preface Introduction We all know that the products of international enterprises have exclusive concessions for teachers and students groups, but domestic enterprises in this area of activity is less, today is also by chance in the communication with the buyers of the network, the network to verify the education offer is the Jingdong Jingdong Campus, this site is the first time I heard of it, and that the netizen with the verification of the preferential rights and interests of the buyer to buy a cell phone purchase of 800 yuan concessions, so...

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