We've been working on it.

ikonpass Ski Ticket Pass U.S. International Students Education Discounts Education Deals Original Tutorials on this site first!


IKON PASS includes a total of 47 snow parks worldwide during the 21/22 snow season, with more in the Western and Central U.S. It includes passes to dozens of famous snow parks around the world, and depending on the type of ticket you purchase, you can fly all over the world during the snow season. Ideal for skiers who want to develop new trails or plan to be diligent about making connections this snow season, it's home from home wherever you go. Connecting North America's most iconic mountains to deliver authentic, unforgettable snow adventures. Ikon Pass, brought to you by Alterra Mountain Company, provides access to the diverse destination communities where you want to ski and ride, including Aspen Snowdrift, Steamboat, Winter Park Resort, Copper Mountain and Eldora, Colorado; Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, Mammoth Mountain, June Mountain and Big Bear Mountain Resorts, California; Wyoming Jackson Hole Mountain Resort in Wyoming; Big Sky in Montana; Stratton and Killington in Vermont; Snowshoe Walking in West Virginia; Tremblant in Quebec and Blue Mountain in Ontario, Canada; Sunday River and Sugarloaf in Maine; Loon Mountain in New Hampshire; and Deer Valley Resort and Snowbird in Alta, Utah. CMH Heli-Skiing & Summer Adventures, the world's largest heli-skiing operation, will also offer special deals. For more information about Ikon Pass, visitwww.ikonpass.com

Prices of passes



Iconoclast passGet the most access and unlimited dates in 58 unique destinations around the world.

Costs:4 and under (0-4 years) $149; kids (5-12 years) $ $369

Young Adult (13-22) $929 Renewal Price: $1,069; Adult (23+) $1,249 Renewal Price: $1,149;College, military and nurse discounts for adults and teens $899.


Iconoclast Base Pass Unlock 51 unique destinations around the world with limited dates.
Costs:4 and under (0-4 years old) $349; kids (5-12 years old) $549
Young Adult (13-22) $879; Adult (23+) $1,119, Renewal Price: $1,069; College, Military and Nurse Discounts for Adults and Teens $869


IKON conference passes A total of 42 destinations in 4 days.Embark on a four-day adventure at a chosen destination.
Young Adult (13-22) $379; Child (5-12) $279; 4 and under (0-4) $279; Adult (23+) $449.

Adult college, military and nurse discounts with discounted pricing of $379.


$319 for young adults (13-22), $229 for kids (5-12), $229 for 4 and under (0-4), and $379 for adults (23+).

Adult college, military and nurse discounts $319.


Young Adult (13-22) $229; Child (5-12) $169; 4 and under (0-4) $169 and Adult (23+) $259.

Adult college, military and nurse discounts of $229.

Type of offer



Discounted pricing is available for a select group of eligible recipients, making it easier to tap into that mountain magic. utilize that mountain magic.

HOW TO GET DISCOUNTS How to Get Discounts
In order to receive these exclusive discounted prices on local passes, you will need to verify your status through Sheer ID. Sheer ID is a verification Sheer ID is a verification service used to confirm whether or not someone is eligible for exclusive offers.

In order to receive these exclusive discounted rates on Local Passes, you will need to verify your identity through Sheer ID. Sheer ID is a verification service used to confirm that someone is eligible for exclusive discounts.

Verification will take place during the checkout process, and you must provide all required information to Sheer ID in order to be approved. Verification will take place during the checkout process, and you must provide all required information to Sheer ID in order to be approved.

Read the steps below for each discount to ensure a successful verification experience.

student population

COLLEGE College Eligible recipients: Enrolled college students Eligible recipients: Enrolled college students

Eligible Products: 24/25 Ikon Pass, Ikon Base Plus Pass, Ikon Base Pass, Ikon Session Pass, and select local passes.

Eligible products: 24/25 Ikon Pass, Ikon Base Plus Pass, Ikon Base Pass, Ikon Session Pass, and select local passes.

Sheer ID Verification Procedure

  1. Select the pass products you want and add them to your cart.
  2. In the Assign Passes section of the checkout process, select the name of the pass holder for the eligible product.
  3. Click the Add College Discount link below the pass holder's name.
  4. Enter your email address and the name of your college or university.


  • The email address you use to verify university status must be the same as the email address associated with your Ikon Pass account.
  • Proceed with verification only when you are ready to purchase. Multiple verification attempts will result in your account being locked. If your account is locked, please contact 888-365-IKON.

American University Standards:To qualify, eligible schools are those classified as Title IV degree-granting universities in the United States.

Canadian University Standards:Institutions of higher education accredited by the Canadian International Credential Information Center (CICIC) that offer an associate's degree or higher degree. Schools in Quebec are also eligible if they offer a Diploma of College Studies (DCS) or a Certificate of College Studies (ACS).

Nurses' group

NURSE Nurse Eligible recipients: active licensed nurses Eligible recipients: active licensed nurses.

Eligible Products: 24/25 Ikon Pass, Ikon Base Plus Pass, Ikon Base Pass, Ikon Session Pass, and select local passes.

Eligible products: 24/25 Ikon Pass, Ikon Base Plus Pass, Ikon Base Pass, Ikon Session Pass, and select local passes.

Sheer ID Verification Procedure

  1. Select the pass products you want and add them to your cart.
  2. In the Assign Passes section of the checkout process, select the name of the pass holder for the eligible product.
  3. Click the Add Nurse Discount link below the pass holder's name.
  4. Enter your e-mail address.
  5. Enter the zip code shown on the nurse's license.
  6. Select your organization/hospital from the drop-down list.


  • The email address you use to verify care status must be the same as the email address associated with your Ikon Pass account.
  • Proceed with verification only when you are ready to purchase. Multiple verification attempts will result in your account being locked. If your account is locked, please contact 888-365-IKON.
  • If your organization/hospital is not listed, use your state licensing board (i.e. California Board of Registered Nursing, Vermont Board of Nursing, etc.)

Canadian nurses:Currently available for purchase online. If you need assistance, please email the Ikon Pass Contact Center and Customer Service will contact you to place your order. Please attach one of the following official documents::

Proof of license ID with expiration date Photo ID and most recent pay stub Official documents must show:

  • full name
  • Medical professional status
  • Current Effective Date

Military groups

Eligible recipients: Active duty and retired military and their adult dependents.

Eligible Products: 24/25 Ikon Pass, Ikon Base Plus Pass, Ikon Base Pass, Ikon Session Pass, and select local passes.

Eligible products: 24/25 Ikon Pass, Ikon Base Plus Pass, Ikon Base Pass, Ikon Session Pass, and select local passes.

Sheer ID Verification Procedure

  1. Select the pass products you want and add them to your cart.
  2. In the Assign Passes section of the checkout process, select the name of the pass holder for the eligible product.
  3. Click on the "Add Military Discount" link below the name of the pass holder.
  4. Select your military status (Active Duty, Reserve or Guard, Retired). If you are purchasing for an adult dependent, select Active/Retired Spouse/Dependent.
  5. Enter your e-mail address.
  6. Select the service branch you specified.


  • The email address you use to verify your military status must be the same as the email address associated with your Ikon Pass account.
  • Proceed with verification only when you are ready to purchase. Multiple verification attempts will result in your account being locked. If your account is locked, please contact 888-365-IKON.

Canadian military:Purchases cannot be made online at this time. Please send an email toIKON PASS CONTACT CENTER, customer service will contact you to place your order. Please include:

  • CF1 card identification (submitting card image) and CF1 card expiration date
  • Contact information (first and last name, date of birth, e-mail address, contact phone number)

verification process

Today this tutorial is a student discount based demo thatCOLLEGE College Eligible recipients: Enrolled college students Eligible forCurrent college students in the U.S., school requirements:Eligible schools are those classified as U.S. Title IV degree-granting universities.

Verification process: click on any pass to purchase the shopping cart, the right side will prompt HOW TO APPLY THE COLLEGE, MILITARY, NURSE DISCOUNT HOW TO APPLY THE COLLEGE, MILITARY, NURSE DISCOUNT.

We follow "The email address you use to verify your university status must be the same as the email address associated with your Ikon Pass account." Requirements, directly with the U.S. edu mailbox to register ikonpass website account, because later sheerid need to verify the supporting documents, so do not fill in the information, as shown in the figure below:

We clickCreate an AccountCreate an ikonpass account and enter your own edu email user's real information.

We're going to enter our edu email and what matches on the course schedule or file information.

Once we registered, a message alerted us that "The 24/25 Ikon Pass is now available to purchase." The 24/25 IKON Pass is now available for purchase, as shown in the image below:

1、Select either the Adult or Young Adult option and "Add to Cart".

2、View Cart and select "proceed to checkout" View Cart and select "proceed to checkout".

Applicable credits and eligible renewal, nurse, military, or college discounts will be applied at checkout. selected products and passes may not Applicable credits and eligible renewal, nurse, military, or college discounts will be applied at checkout. Selected products and passes may not qualify for discounts.

Allocation of licenses



Assign pass or select a pass to apply College, Military or Nurses discount when available.

ASSIGNED PASSES Specify the meaning of the license, we have to check what type of license we want to assign to our Ikon Pass account, in this case, we have to check "ADD COLLEGE DISCOUNT"Add a college license.
3、Assign pass to eligible person and select discount to apply for will pass assigned to eligible person and select discount to apply for


Unlock Your College Discount Unlock Your College Discount
Please verify your eligibility by completing the form below. Use the email address on file with your school. Use the email address on file with your school.

Country we are going to choose a university in the US or Canada and fill it out according to the reality of your account email.

Then click Verify My College Status to confirm my school status.

4、Discount price will be applied upon verification with our trusted partner SheerID while in checkout Discount price will be applied upon verification with our trusted partner SheerID while in checkout

Upload a document

To continue, upload documents that confirm your student status To continue, upload documents that confirm your student status
Your documents must include:Your documents must include:
Your full name as entered into this form Your full name as entered into this form
The full or abbreviated academic institution name or logo.
Date within the current academic year OR no more than 90 days from today's date current academic year OR no more than 90 days from today's date

Suggested document types
School ID card with expiration date
Class schedule
Tuition receipt
File must be .jpg .jpeg .png .pdf .gif File must be .jpg .jpeg .png .pdf .gif

What happens next?
Document review is handled by SheerID, a trusted partner who specializes in verifying students.

SheerID staff will review the documents for authenticity and and compare the information in the documents against the information you provided.SheerID SheerID staff will review the documents for authenticity and and compare the information in the documents against the information you provided.

Expected review time is a few minutes.

Documents are used only for verifying your student status is current and will be permanently deleted after review is finalized. Get help documents are used only for verifying your student status is Get help documents are used only for verifying your student status is current and will be permanently deleted after review is finalized. Get help

Audit time

Turnaround time for your language is typically a few minutes, and in rare times of high volume may take up to 20 minutes.

The turnaround time for your language is usually a few minutes, and in rare cases can take up to 20 minutes for heavy processing.
Wait here or let us notify you of the outcome.
You will be contacted via email.

case of failure

We will receive an email from the official with the title: "We need more information to approve your Student status" as follows:

An update on verifying your eligibility
Thank you for uploading your documentation for confirmation. Unfortunately we were unable to confirm your status. Unfortunately we were unable to confirm your status.
During the review process it was determined:
The document has already expired or was issued too far in the past. Please upload a more recent document. Please upload a more recent document.
You may upload another scan of one of the acceptable documents to complete the process by clicking the button below.

Success Stories

Immediately after we re-upload the compliant document file within 20 seconds of the successful verification, the edu mailbox receives a message from SheerID Verification with the subject line:Get verified for Alterra Mountain Company.Get verified by Alterra Mountain Company.

Thank you for starting the Student verification process. Let's get you across the finish line! Let's get you across the finish line!

Congratulations: your Student status is confirmed.
We have successfully confirmed your Student status Congratulations!
You can now return to IkonPass.com to complete your transaction. Your discount should be automatically applied.
You can now return to IkonPass.com to complete your transaction. Your discount should be applied automatically.

Shopping Cart Updates

Your cart has been updated. Changes may reflect current pricing, promotion expiration, or the removal of products that no longer exist. Changes may reflect current pricing, promotion expiration, or the removal of products that no longer exist.

final result

College Discount is a $350 discount.

Mailbox Suggestions

According to this tutorial demo, we need Canadian or US edu mailboxes, and we need to require that the mailbox file needs to contain the following:

Full or abbreviated academic institution name or logo; Date within the current academic year or no more than 90 days from today's date; School ID card with expiration dateClass scheduleTuition receiptIf you don't have an email address, please contact customer service at the bottom right corner of the page. for communication.

common problems


What is SheerID?

SheerID verifies current military, student and nurse status during the purchase checkout process. When purchasing any Ikon Pass, use SheerID only once to verify status when you are ready to make a final purchase. (Too many attempts will block the purchase to prevent fraud.) If the nurse's hospital/clinic is not listed on the participating organization, the nurse should use their state licensing board number.

Is there a discount for nurses, college students or military?
Discounts are available for active duty licensed nurses, current college students, and active and retired North American military personnel (verified by SheerID) when an Ikon Pass is available for purchase. For military personnel, discounts are also available for adult family members. Discounts cannot be combined.

What products qualify for extended credit?

Unused Ikon Passes, Ikon Base Passes, Ikon Base Plus Passes and Ikon Session Passes are eligible for extension credit.Details vary.The

Can I use my points to purchase less expensive Ikon Pass products next season?

Yes. However, if there is a price difference between the credit amount and the Ikon Pass purchased, no partial credit will be issued and no cash refund will be made. Any remaining balance will be forfeited. Points are non-transferable and only applicable to a single Ikon Pass with the same name as the original Ikon Pass holder.

Can I use my points to purchase individual destination passes or ticket products?

No. Your points can only be used to purchase a single future Ikon Pass, not a single Ikon Pass destination product.

Does Ikon Pass offer pass holders additional discounts on lift tickets, lodging, retail, rentals, ski school or dining?

Yes. Ikon Pass, Ikon Base Pass and Ikon Base Plus Pass holders will receive the following discounts at various locations in select destinations. These benefits do not apply to the Ikon Session Pass.

What is the Ikon Pass app?

The Ikon Pass app is designed to help Ikon Pass and Ikon Base Pass holders get the most out of their passes and enhance their on-mountain experience. You can view your pass privileges and usage, select your favorite destinations, track your on-mountain stats, participate in leaderboards, find your location on destination route maps, create groups of friends and more.

Where can I get the Ikon Pass app? Is it free?

The Ikon Pass app is free and can be found on theApple App storerespond in singingGoogle Play StoreDownload in.

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