The Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD® ) represents a general-purpose database that provides a comprehensive collection of nuclear gene mutations that cause or are associated with human genetic diseases. The database was originally created to analyze mutation mechanisms, but HGMD has gained wider application because it contains the most up-to-date and complete reference data on the mutational spectrum of human diseases.
The HGMD system captures all disease-causing mutations and disease-associated functional polymorphisms reported in the literature and makes these data available in an easy-to-read format to all interested parties, whether they are from the academic, clinical, or commercial sectors. HGMD collects data on single-base substitutions (e.g., missense and nonsense mutations in coding sequences and point mutations in regulatory and shear regions), micro-deletions and micro-insertions, deletions/insertions, and amplification of repetitive sequences, as well as large genetic injuries (deletions, insertions, and amplifications) and complex gene recombination.
HGMD is available free of charge to registered academic and non-profit users via the Internet (, but only data that have been included for more than three years are available on this public website. The latest data are available from HGMD Professional on a paid basis through our commercial partner BIOBASE GmbH. In addition to the latest mutation data, HGMD Professional offers powerful search tools not available on the public website as well as special information on genes and mutations, which is updated every three months.
Academic Enrollment
Register at
Please read the following before registering
Please note that the public version of our database is free only for registered users from academic institutions/non-profit organizations. Commercial users must register from our commercial partnersQIAGEN®Purchase a license.HGMD Professional licenses are available to commercial and academic/non-profit users who wish to access the latest version of the database. After initial inclusion3 years, HGMD mutation data is available through the public site. Please read.Disclaimer! |
For legal reasons.The only way to do this is to provide a program that canexpositoryUsers with email addresses assigned to academic or non-profit organizationsjust nowAllow successful registration(i.e., university or hospital e-mail address, etc.). Pleasewill notUse a personal e-mail address from hotmail, yahoo, gmail, MSN or any other web-based business system. Youwill notbe granted access to HGMD.Upon registration, users will receive a password via the academic/non-profit email address provided during registration. To use the HGMD login name, users must have session cookies enabled and will need their email address, country, and password to log in. |
First name* Last name* Fill in your English name or pinyin; Background*: Choose the type of application, we choose academic;
Role/title*:Identity select student; Company/Organisation*:Organization name; Department:Department name; Email*:Please fill in edu email in the email section.
After we fill out the information above, click REGISTER in the lower right corner to register:
HGMD User Registration: Congratulations! You are registered as Jas per from OAK HILL, United States. the HGMD password will be sent to Jasper@ within 24 hours.
Congratulations! You have been registered as a Jas per from OAK HILL, USA. HGMD password will be sent to within 24 hours.
Academic validation
我们打开美国edu邮箱收到了来自发送的标题为: "HGMD registration" information e-mail, as shown in the figure below:
Your registration is complete.
HGMD password: HGMD580967 Please note that passwords are case sensitive.
You are required to keep the HGMD password for your own private use of the HGMD site.
If asked to disclose your password by a third party, please direct them to register with HGMD.
Your account will be activated within 24 hours. Please note that accounts registered on weekends are subject to change.
will not be activated until the following Monday.
Please note that you must have session cookies enabled to use HGMD.
If your email address is not a valid academic / non-profit address, access may be withdrawn at any time.
Please be aware that any attempt to bulk-download HGMD mutation data using automated scripting will be regarded
as a breach of our usage terms, and will result in your user account access being withdrawn, and your institute/organization
Registration permissions being suspended.
Your registration is complete. HGMD Password: HGMD5809 Please note that the password is case sensitive.
You must retain your HGMD password for your own private use of the HGMD Web site. If a third party asks you to disclose your password, please instruct them to register with HGMD.
Your account will be activated within 24 hours. Please note that accounts registered over the weekend will not be activated until the following Monday.
Please note that you must have session cookies enabled in order to use HGMD, and access may be revoked at any time if your email address is not a valid academic/non-profit address.
Please note that any attempts to bulk download HGMD mutation data using automated scripts will be considered a violation of our Terms of Use and will result in the revocation of your user account access and the suspension of your institutional/organizational registration privileges. Please do not reply to this e-mail.
Success Stories
We open the login address: and enter the academic e-mail address and the hgmd password that was sent in the e-mail.
If our edu email is eligible for the required qualifications, the login prompts the following:
Please make sure you have session cookies enabled to allow viewing of HGMD mutation data. Continue to HGMD
Login was successful. Make sure you have session cookies enabled to allow viewing of HGMD mutation data. Continue to HGMD
case of failure
If our edu email is not eligible for the requirement, the login prompts the following:
We are sorry, but has not been recognized as belonging to a registered user. Please check that you have entered your details correctly and remember that access is granted to registered academic or non-profit HGMD users only. Please check that you have entered your details correctly and remember that access is granted to registered academic or non-profit HGMD users only.
We're sorry, but is not yet recognized as a registered user. Please check that the details you have entered are correct and remember that only registered academic or non-profit HGMD users are entitled to access. Usually this is caused by fake non-edu email addresses, such as,, and other unofficial edu email addresses.
edu education network mailbox registration on behalf of the application purchase price
online experience
Gospel of the Chemical Party
Why am I only showing edu education email certifications here?
Purchased, trust the seller, have bought a few and honestly have been using them except for 2 of my world accounts that flipped. Can't blame the seller for the cartwheel, after all, it's not controllable.
It's bad luck. I just passed the code.
Said there is a chance to restore 5T, so long or 1t, if the long can be used or can be. Much better than tossing it yourself.