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泛域名SSL证书,也叫通配符证书,英文:Wildcard Certificates。泛域名SSL证书最大的好处就是一次申请可以应用任意子域名上,即通配符证书可以保护一个域名下同级子域名,不限制该级子域名数量,且添加新的该级子域名无须重新审核和另外付费,节约了大量的时间和金钱成本。泛域名SSL证书收费很贵,一般售价都在$100.00美元以上。

Domain Validation SSL Products

The most commonly used type of SSL certificate, the fast issuance feature is favored by tens of thousands of users around the world. DV products from COMODO/Sectigo CA 、and TrustOcean SSL CA (PKI Hosted by COMODO),Universal individual users and small systems companies have chosen such certificates to protect their facilities, which have superior cost performance and quick sign-off features.


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