We've been working on it.



Academic database resources itself is the Internet era of British and American academic libraries to share knowledge of the efforts of the Internet true sharing is no academic threshold, but at present this sharing is still mainly confined to university campuses, when the power of the Internet encyclopedia more than any encyclopedia, the so-called "nonprofit repository" is still to the high threshold of the cost of denial of individual users outside the school institutions to search for papers. The so-called "non-profit repository" still refuses to allow individual users outside of the university to search for papers with a high threshold of fees. Although the open lectures on the Internet of Harvard, Yale, and MIT allow netizens all over the world to have the opportunity to listen to the wonderful lectures of the masters on their own cell phones and computers, the conservative principle of "sharing but within the boundaries of the physical walls of the university" is indeed preventing the real sharing of knowledge on the Internet. The Internet makes the "physical walls" of universities really broken.We can also enjoy the e-education resources from the libraries of American institutions of higher learning across the ocean without having to leave our homes.



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Catalog search and experience of using academic database resources in the edu mailbox e-library of American University

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